Dueling Pianos FAQ's
"What is Dueling Pianos?"
Dueling Pianos is a sing along, clap along, drink along* party rolled into an interactive concert! The audience decides what songs get played. There are two of us on stage, two mics, and two pianos.
*Drinking is NEVER required of anyone. We love to party, but safety and feeling comfortable are the top priorities!!
"This is a duel, right? So, how is a winner decided?"
We either mud wrestle, or settle it in the batting cages!
-Just kidding. “Dueling” Pianos isn’t really an actual duel. The two of us work together. We are more like teammates than opponents.
"How come some songs cost $20?"
The Five Songs are $20 requests, because they’re the most popular. If we played them every time we got couple of dollars for them, our show would likely end up being those 5 songs over and over. Do you really want to hear Sweet Caroline 30 times?
"What are 'The Five Songs?'"
1. Piano Man
2. Don’t Stop Believing
3. Sweet Caroline
4. Bohemian Rhapsody
5. Shallow
"If I give you zero dollars for a song, will you play it?"
If it’s a song I really like, probably not.
If it’s a song I don’t like, definitely not.
"Can I sing or play a song?"
Short answer, no. For a list of solid karaoke bars, click anywhere on this sentence.
Longer answer:
1. Keep in mind that you would be using a random microphone that’s been at the bar for up to several years, and likely never sanitized even once.
2. This is our job. Would you ask a bartender, dentist, teacher, or a tax accountant if you can try part of their job real quick?
3. I don't know you. Approximately once every other show, I get someone who insists they or their friend are an amazing singer. Maybe 10% of the time this ends up being true. It ends up being that the harder someone tries to sell how good they are, the worse they end up sounding.
One of two things happens if the singer is bad, it kills the room, and I lose money, or a bunch of other people then want to sing, and when I have to tell them no, I lose money.
4. IF I am bribed heavily enough to do karaoke, it has to be a song on my list. By "bribed heavily enough" I mean "enough money that if I lose the room for 20 minutes it'll still be worth my time."
"What is your favorite song to play?"
Any song I get $20 for.
Lol but seriously please don’t ask me this onstage.
Dueling Pianos is a sing along, clap along, drink along* party rolled into an interactive concert! The audience decides what songs get played. There are two of us on stage, two mics, and two pianos.
*Drinking is NEVER required of anyone. We love to party, but safety and feeling comfortable are the top priorities!!
"This is a duel, right? So, how is a winner decided?"
We either mud wrestle, or settle it in the batting cages!
-Just kidding. “Dueling” Pianos isn’t really an actual duel. The two of us work together. We are more like teammates than opponents.
"How come some songs cost $20?"
The Five Songs are $20 requests, because they’re the most popular. If we played them every time we got couple of dollars for them, our show would likely end up being those 5 songs over and over. Do you really want to hear Sweet Caroline 30 times?
"What are 'The Five Songs?'"
1. Piano Man
2. Don’t Stop Believing
3. Sweet Caroline
4. Bohemian Rhapsody
5. Shallow
"If I give you zero dollars for a song, will you play it?"
If it’s a song I really like, probably not.
If it’s a song I don’t like, definitely not.
"Can I sing or play a song?"
Short answer, no. For a list of solid karaoke bars, click anywhere on this sentence.
Longer answer:
1. Keep in mind that you would be using a random microphone that’s been at the bar for up to several years, and likely never sanitized even once.
2. This is our job. Would you ask a bartender, dentist, teacher, or a tax accountant if you can try part of their job real quick?
3. I don't know you. Approximately once every other show, I get someone who insists they or their friend are an amazing singer. Maybe 10% of the time this ends up being true. It ends up being that the harder someone tries to sell how good they are, the worse they end up sounding.
One of two things happens if the singer is bad, it kills the room, and I lose money, or a bunch of other people then want to sing, and when I have to tell them no, I lose money.
4. IF I am bribed heavily enough to do karaoke, it has to be a song on my list. By "bribed heavily enough" I mean "enough money that if I lose the room for 20 minutes it'll still be worth my time."
"What is your favorite song to play?"
Any song I get $20 for.
Lol but seriously please don’t ask me this onstage.